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Improved Incubators

HeracellTM is the essential piece of equipment – that allows embryos to reach their full potential. These ideal incubators are installed in the MIRA IVF laboratory, producing special fertilization rates, less fragmentation and enhanced pregnancy rates when compared to regular incubators. 

Genetic Testing

Our genetic testing technologies have improved success rates in:

  • Patients who have a family history of genetic disorders.
  • Women who have experienced repeated IVF failures 
  • Women who have gone through multiple miscarriages.

Our genetic testing technologies have reduced miscarriages, eliminated the passing of inherent conditions, and reduced the total time to achieve pregnancy. We can use PGT-M to see if you risk having a kid with a genetic disorder. If yes, we can rule out the possibility and treat it.

Fertility Research

MIRA IVF is a pioneer in this field; investing in infertility research is critical to delivering the best tools and techniques to maximize success. Our current research is looking into new designs, so that:

  • Predict embryo viability
  • Pick the best sperm
  • Diagnose PCOS and Endometriosis
  • Determine if the celiac disease has an impact on fertility. 

Endometrial Receptivity Assay (ERA)

MIRA IVF is one of the first clinics to offer an ERA test, which involves extracting cells from the uterine lining (endometrial biopsy) and analyzing gene expression on these cells (250+ genes). A specific pattern of gene expression is linked to improved implantation potential.

The test was developed to help doctors predict when frozen or thawed embryos should be implanted in the uterus.

It turns out that the test can pinpoint the optimal day to transfer frozen/thawed embryos down to a 12-hours window (and here’s the cool part)!

Embryo transfers from a single embryo

One-third of all IVF pregnancies in India results in multiple pregnancies- twins, triplets or more births at a time. MIRA IVF has sought this challenge by using single embryo transfer, maintaining excellent IVF success rates – leading to a healthy, happy kid.

Male Infertility with ICSI

MIRA IVF is aided with IVF/ICSI pregnancy techniques in Indore with ICSI for Male Infertility. ICSI (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection) is a procedure created to enable couples with severe male factor infertility or failed multiple IVF attempts.

Individuals and couples can use the technique to increase their chances of a successful pregnancy. ICSI is now used in around 40% of all IVF cases at our reproductive facility.

Blastocysts Transfer

The renowned fertility laboratory at MIRA IVF enables us to constantly refine and improve approaches that contribute to a higher number of blastocyst-level embryos. Allowing the embryos to mature until day five allows us to choose the best embryo for transfer while minimizing the number of pregnancies.

 Furthermore, the ability to freeze blastocysts through a procedure known as “vitrification” allows us to achieve live birth rates comparable to or better than a fresh embryo transplant.