In Vitro Fertilization

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What is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?

In vitro fertilization, commonly called IVF, is a series of procedures used to help with fertility or prevent genetic problems to assist with conception. 

In IVF, mature eggs are collected from the ovaries and fertilized by sperm in an external environment, like a lab. Once the egg or eggs fertilize (embryo), it is implanted into the uterus. One cycle of IVF takes about three weeks. If the steps are split into parts, it may take longer. 

IVF is one of the most efficient forms of assisted reproductive technologies. It can be done using.

  • Either a couple’s eggs or sperm. 
  • Or by eggs, sperm or embryos from a known or anonymous donor.

In some cases, a gestational carrier — someone who has an embryo implanted in the uterus — might be used.

When is IVF done?

Sometimes IVF is suggested as a primary treatment for infertility, but in many cases, it can be suggested post-trying other methods. The situations when IVF is suggested can include:

    • Ovulation disorders
    • The fallopian tube is blocked or damaged
    • Endometriosis
    • Previous tubal sterilization or removal
    • Uterine fibroids
    • Impaired sperm production or function
    • Unexplained infertility
    • A genetic disorder
    • Fertility preservation for cancer or other health conditions

What is the preparation process?

A couple needs to go through a screening process before beginning the full cycle of IVF. This is how it goes:

  • Testing for eggs: The quantity and quality of eggs are determined by measuring the concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), estrogen and anti-mullerian hormone in the blood. 
  • Analysing the semen.
  • Screening for infectious diseases including HIV- Both partners undergoes this. 
  • Mock Embryo Transfer: This is like a practice session for the doctor to understand the depth of your uterine cavity. 
  • A Uterine Examination: The doctor injects fluids through the cervix into the uterus and uses ultrasound to create images of your uterine cavity. 

What’s Next? 

For Female:

Medication for stimulating your ovary in order to produce more than one egg. 

Medication for oocyte maturation, that is, when follicles are ready for retrieving the egg (generally 8-14 days), medication is given for egg maturation. 

Medication for preventing early ovulation that is developing egg sooner than it should. 

Medication to start the formation of the uterus lining and make it ready for implantation.

For male:

Semen Retrieval

A semen sample is required on the day of egg retrieval. Generally, it is collected by the process of masturbation, but sometimes a surgical procedure is used. 



By overnight incubation of the sperm and the egg, once they are mixed.

By the process of ICSI.

Embryo Transfer: It is done at the clinic and takes about 2-5 days. The embryo is placed inside the uterus. 

What’s after IVF is done?

You can resume your daily routine. The ovaries might still be enlarged, for females,  so it is better to avoid vigorous activities.

Blastocyst Culture                                                                                                          Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection